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(4支套裝) 貴州 - 貴州棟台酒 Guizhou Dong Tai Jiu 53% (125ml X 4支) #GZDTJ125MG
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原料 : 高粱,小麥,水 酒底 : 3年 酱香型白酒 酒精度 : 53%VOL 產地 :貴州 推薦飲用方法: 室溫 , 冰飲 ~ 色:無色或微黃,清亮透明,無懸浮物,無沉澱 ~ 香:醬香突出,香氣幽雅,空杯留香持久 ~ 味:酒體醇厚,豐滿,諸位協調,餘味悠長 貴州國珍宴酒廠 貴州國珍宴酒廠,坐落於“國酒之都”茅台鎮,素有美酒河、英雄河之譽的赤水河在此千年流淌。全球 唯一的、神秘的、得天獨厚的水質(PH值中性)、地質(紫砂岩泥)、氣候(高溫多濕)、幾千年形成的 上空微生物等不可複制的極端自然環境,以及悠久的釀造歷史,孕育了厚重醬香文化的不朽傳奇。 國珍宴酒業有著一部充滿傳奇的發展史,源於一家百年釀酒小作坊,後易幟經過數年創業艱辛打拼,已 壯大成為一個佔地90000多平方米的中大型大曲醬香(固態發酵)釀造企業。現一期有生產車間4棟;酒庫 10000餘平方米;現代化灌裝生產約1500平方米;製曲車間一棟(100個發酵倉);先進的化驗室及辦公樓 1000平方米;員工生活區一棟,在職員工180人,其中高級專業員工20多人,以製曲、釀酒、勾兌、包裝 檢測為主。年產大曲醬香優質白酒超千噸,原酒儲存量超2000噸的規模企業。年生產1000噸大曲醬香。 “國珍宴”系列酒以傳承歷史文化,創新釀造理念為己任,以“綠色、有機、健康”定位產品發展方向, 著力精心打造原味醬香品質。其核心品牌“國珍宴”“柔陳”“地標”“國酒壹號”,採用茅台鎮千年醬香 傳統釀酒工藝,取料選用本地優質糯高粱和小麥,取水來自與茅台酒同源的赤水河,具有醬香突出,優雅細 膩,回味悠長,空杯留香持久的獨特風格。使其傲之潮頭,獨領風騷,贏得了“中國著名品牌”、“貴州著 名商標”、“全國質量信得過產品”等殊榮。本企業隆重推出“地標實驗”系列酒;“國醬珍酒” 系列酒; “國窖珍酒” 系列酒;“國珍宴” 系列酒。而出口於國外”隆台酒”系列酒 Ingredients: Sorghum, wheat, water Wine base: 3 years Maotai-flavor liquor Alcohol content: 53%VOL Place of Origin: Guizhou Recommended drinking method: room temperature, iced drink ~ Color: colorless or slightly yellow, clear and transparent, no suspended matter, no precipitation ~ Fragrance: outstanding sauce aroma, elegant aroma, long-lasting fragrance in the empty cup ~ Taste: Full-bodied, full-bodied, well-coordinated, with a long aftertaste Guizhou Guozhenyan Winery Guizhou Guozhenyan Winery is located in Maotai Town, the "National Liquor Capital". The Chishui River, known as the River of Fine Wine and the River of Heroes, has flowed here for thousands of years. worldwide Unique, mysterious and blessed with water quality (neutral PH value), geology (purple sandstone mud), climate (high temperature and humidity), formed over thousands of years The extreme natural environment that cannot be replicated, such as microorganisms in the sky, and the long brewing history have given birth to the immortal legend of the rich sauce-flavor culture. Guozhenyan Liquor Industry has a legendary development history, originating from a century-old small brewing workshop. After several years of hard work in entrepreneurship, it has become It has grown into a medium-to-large Daqu Maotai-flavor (solid-state fermentation) brewing enterprise covering an area of more than 90,000 square meters. There are currently 4 production workshops and wine warehouses in the first phase. More than 10,000 square meters; modern filling production area of about 1,500 square meters; a koji-making workshop (100 fermentation warehouses); advanced laboratories and office buildings 1,000 square meters; a staff living area with 180 employees, including more than 20 senior professional employees, responsible for making koji, brewing, blending, and packaging Mainly detection. It is a large-scale enterprise with an annual output of over 1,000 tons of Daqu Maotai-flavor high-quality liquor and a storage capacity of over 2,000 tons of raw wine. Annual production of 1,000 tons of Daqu sauce. The "National Treasure Banquet" series of wines takes the inheritance of historical culture and innovative brewing concepts as its own responsibility, and positions the product development direction with "green, organic, and healthy". Focus on carefully creating the quality of original sauce flavor. Its core brands "Guozhenyan", "Rouchen", "Landmark" and "National Liquor No. 1" use the thousand-year-old sauce flavor of Maotai Town. The traditional brewing process uses local high-quality waxy sorghum and wheat, and the water comes from the Chishui River, which has the same origin as Moutai. It has a prominent sauce aroma, elegant and delicate flavor. It has a unique style that is greasy, has a long aftertaste, and has a long-lasting fragrance in the empty cup. It has made it proud and leading the trend, winning the titles of "China Famous Brand" and "Guizhou Famous Brand". Famous Trademark", "National Quality Trustworthy Product" and other honors. The company grandly launches the "Landmark Experiment" series of wines; the "National Sauce Wine" series of wines; "Guojiao Zhenjiu" series wine; "Guozhen Banquet" series wine. And the "Longtai Wine" series of wines exported abroad
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