尊尼獲加 藍牌 Johnnie Walker Blue Label 750ml

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尊尼獲加藍牌 (Johnnie Walker Blue Label) 是無與倫比的傑作。它是由蘇格蘭一些最稀有和最獨特的威士忌製成的精緻混合物。只有萬分之一的木桶具有難以捉摸的品質、特性和風味,能夠呈現尊尼獲加藍牌非凡的標誌性口味。一款適合非凡場合的非凡威士忌。 以您喜歡的任何方式享用尊尼獲加藍牌 - 單獨飲用、加冰飲用或加少許水飲用。 我們建議您體驗純淨的尊尼獲加藍牌,並配以冰水。這是完美的發球。 我 將 45 毫升尊尼獲加藍牌倒入玻璃杯中,不加冰 二 旁邊配有一大杯冰水 三、 從水開始,交替啜飲,以充分釋放混合物的驚人複雜性 Johnnie Walker Blue Label is an unrivalled masterpiece. It is an exquisite blend made from some of Scotland’s rarest and most exceptional whiskies. Only one in every ten thousand casks has the elusive quality, character and flavour to deliver the’ remarkable signature taste of Johnnie Walker Blue Label. An extraordinary whisky for extraordinary occasions. Enjoy Johnnie Walker Blue Label in any way you like - on its own, over ice or with a dash of water. We recommend that you experience Johnnie Walker Blue Label neat, with iced water on the side. Here’s the perfect serve. I Pour 45 ml of Johnnie Walker Blue Label into a tumbler glass without ice II Accompany with a tall glass of chilled water on the side III Alternate sips, starting with the water, to fully unlock the blend's astonishing complexity

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