明石鯛 白梅吟醸梅酒 14% 500ml Akashi Tai - Ginjo Umeshu Shiraume 14% 500ml



~ 2020年 「フェミナリーズ世界ワインコンクール」 金獎受賞 ~ 2019年「ISW (Meiningers International Spirit Award)」金獎受賞 ~ 2018年 「Tasting Trendies Sake Awards 2018」 銅獎受賞 它是一種美味的梅酒,使用100%國產梅(和歌山產的梅),將它們浸泡在由兵庫縣山田西木製作的Ginjo清酒中,然後慢慢陳化。 它是一種醇厚濃郁的梅酒,可以代替甜品酒享用。 ~ 酒精度:14% ~ 推薦飲用方法:請冷藏後飲用 ~ Tasting Note:乾果,椰棗和李子香氣。甜美的西梅和杏仁口味,收尾清爽乾淨。 ~ 食物搭配:煮熟的水果餐點如杏桃醬或作為甜品酒,聖誕布丁或蛋糕,杏仁果醬某種配香草冰淇淋 ~ 2020 「フェミナリーズ世界ワインコンクール」 Gold Award ~ 2019「ISW (Meiningers International Spirit Award)」Gold Award ~ 2018 「Tasting Trendies Sake Awards 2018」 Bronze Award It is a tasty plum wine that uses 100% domestic plums (Nanko plums from Wakayama), soaks them in Ginjo sake made from Yamada Nishiki from Hyogo prefecture, and slowly aged them. It is a mellow and thick plum wine that you can enjoy as a substitute for dessert wine. ~ ABV: 14% ~ Tasting note: Dry fruit, date cherry and plum. Sweet with rich prune, almond flavours with refreshing clean finish. ~ Food pairing: Cooked fruit such as apricot compote or on its own as a desert wine. Mince pies, Christmas pudding or cake, Bakewell tart with vanilla ice cream.

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