格魯吉亞奎弗瑞陶罐白葡萄酒 Chateau Mukhrani Ovevri White 750ml 2019 - Georgia #CMOW750

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國家:佐治亞州卡爾特利 葡萄: katsiteli,Goruli Mtsvane 酒精含量:12.5% 來自 Château Mukhrani 的輕盈的 Qvevri White 以明亮的銅金色流入玻璃杯中。這款成熟的白葡萄酒還帶有金黃色的反光,令人賞心悅目。如果您通過旋轉在玻璃杯中給它一些空氣,這款白葡萄酒的特點是令人難以置信的光彩,讓它在玻璃杯中翩翩起舞。這款來自佐治亞州的白葡萄酒倒入白葡萄酒杯中,散發出極具表現力的金橘、檸檬草、茉莉和百合的香氣,並輔以其他細微的果味。 在口感上,來自 Château Mukhrani 的 Qvevri White 開始令人愉悅地抑制、抓地和芳香。在舌頭上,這款輕盈的白葡萄酒具有令人難以置信的天鵝絨般的質地。這款來自 Kartlien 葡萄種植區的成熟白葡萄酒的結局最終以美麗的迴響為靈感。 Château Mukhrani 釀造 Qvevri White 穆赫拉尼城堡 (Château Mukhrani) 出產的一流且極其優雅的特釀 Qvevri White 的起點是 Goruli Mtsvane 和 Rkatsiteli 葡萄。收穫後,葡萄迅速到達壓榨廠。在這裡,它們被選擇並仔細分解。然後在受控溫度下進行發酵。發酵之後是成熟。 Château Mukhrani 為 Qvevri White 提供的食物推薦 這種來自佐治亞州的白葡萄酒最好在 11-13°C 的溫度下適度冷藏享用。與酸奶薄荷香蒜意大利面、藜麥蘆筍沙拉或水果菊苣沙拉完美搭配 COUNTRY: Kartli, Georgia GRAPER: katsiteli, Goruli Mtsvane ALCOHOL LEVEL: 12.5% The light-footed Qvevri White from Château Mukhrani flows into the glass with brilliant copper gold. This matured white wine also flatters the eye with golden yellow reflections If you give it some air in the glass by swivelling, this white wine is characterized by an incredible brilliance that lets it dance alive in the glass. Poured into a white wine glass, this white wine from Georgia offers wonderfully expressive aromas of kumquat, lemongrass, jasmine and lily, rounded off by other fruity nuances. On the palate, the Qvevri White from Château Mukhrani starts pleasantly inhibited, grippy and aromatic. On the tongue, this light-footed white wine is characterized by an incredibly velvety texture. The finale of this maturable white wine from the viticultural region of Kartlien finally inspires with beautiful reverberation. Vinification of Qvevri White by Château Mukhrani The starting point for the first-class and wonderfully elegant cuvée Qvevri White from Château Mukhrani are Goruli Mtsvane and Rkatsiteli grapes. After the harvest, the grapes quickly reach the press house. Here they are selected and carefully broken up. The fermentation is then carried out at controlled temperatures. The fermentation is followed by maturation . Food recommendation for the Qvevri White by Château Mukhrani This white wine from Georgia should best be enjoyed moderately chilled at 11-13°C. It goes perfectly with spaghetti with yogurt mint pesto, asparagus salad with quinoa or fruity endive salad
