(原裝行貨) 貴州飛天茅台2024年帶柸裝 53度 500ml (1 x 12 x 500ml ) # FT50024WR



香港行貨 香型:醬香型 (茅台獨特的香氣味道) 原料:高粱、小麥、水 酒精度:53%vol. 規格:500ml 儲存條件:室温、陰涼、乾燥、密封保 詳細介紹 貴州茅台酒是有著代表中國最高级別的酒佳釀,茅台酒名字是以貴州省仁懷市茅台鎮,取其鎮名而來,她位於東經106度,北緯27度,地域海拔高度420-550米,四面環山,一水中流,地處河谷地帶。冬暖夏熱,少雨,年平均濕度高,空氣相對流動性小,形成一個相對封閉而有利釀酒的微生物生長的環境。 貴州茅台酒由小麥及高樑兩種原料配合茅台鎮旁的赤水河水及土壤,加上繁複的釀造工藝九次蒸煮,八次發酵,七次取酒,高温製曲,高温堆積,高温餾酒,端午製曲,重陽下沙的步驟,經過一年的釀造,儲存最少三年的時間,最後經精煉的勾脫技術而製成的醬香型蒸餾酒,每瓶茅台酒基本需時五年才能出廠。 Hong Kong licensed product Fragrance type: Maotai type (Moutai’s unique aroma and taste) Ingredients: sorghum, wheat, water Alcohol content: 53%vol. Specifications: 500ml Storage conditions: room temperature, cool, dry, sealed Detailed introduction: Kweichow Moutai is the highest-level wine in China. Moutai is named after Moutai Town, Renhuai City, Guizhou Province. It is located at 106 degrees east longitude, 27 degrees north latitude, and an altitude of 420 - 550 meters, surrounded by mountains and flowing water, located in a river valley. Warm winters, hot summers, little rain, high average annual humidity, and low relative air mobility form a relatively closed environment that is conducive to the growth of wine-making microorganisms. Kweichow Moutai is made from two raw materials: wheat and sorghum, combined with Chishui River water and soil next to Moutai Town, and a complicated brewing process of nine times of cooking, eight times of fermentation, seven times of wine extraction, high-temperature koji making, high-temperature accumulation, and high-temperature distillation. The process of making koji during the Dragon Boat Festival and taking in the sand during the Double Ninth Festival. After one year of brewing, storage for at least three years, and finally the refined Maotai-flavor distilled liquor made through the refining technology, each bottle of Moutai basically takes five years to leave the factory. .

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