(2020/2021 金賞受賞 )日本桂月吟之夢純米大吟釀精米步合 45% 720ml Keigetsu Gin-no-Yume Junmai Daiginjo 45% 720ml



🥇Kura Master 2020 獲得純米大吟釀部門 - 金獎 🥇Kura Master 2020 - Gold Award - 酒廠:高知縣土佐清酒 - 產品成分:水,米,米麴 (無添加釀造酒精) - 酒米:吟之夢 (高知縣) - 酒精度:15% - 精米步合:45% - 日本酒度:+2 - 酸度:1.5 - 推薦飲用方法:請冷藏後飲用 - 香氣: 蜜瓜, 日本桃 - 食物搭配 :日本魚蛋, 白身魚生, 蝦, 帆立貝, 海鮮Pizza, 素菜天婦羅 - 口感:濃郁, 較甘甜但帶有小小酸味 (因為高知縣的水礦物質少 (簡稱:軟水)。因此,用這種水製成的清酒會較甘甜、柔和、清淡) 🥇Kura Master 2020 Won the Junmai Daiginjo Division - Gold Award 🥇Kura Master 2020 - Gold Award - Brewery: Kochi Prefecture Tosa Sake - Product ingredients: water, rice, rice koji (no added brewing alcohol) - Sake rice: Gin no Yume (Kochi Prefecture) -Alcohol content: 15% - Rice polishing steps: 45% - Japanese alcohol content: +2 - Acidity: 1.5 - Recommended drinking method: Please refrigerate before drinking - Aroma: honeydew melon, Japanese peach - Food pairing: Japanese fish eggs, white fish sashimi, shrimp, scallops, seafood pizza, vegetarian tempura - Taste: rich, sweet but with a little sour taste (Because the water in Kochi Prefecture has few minerals (abbreviation: soft water). Therefore, sake made from this water will be sweeter, softer, and lighter Japanese sake)

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