意大利皮薩諾官 灰比諾白葡萄酒 DOC 750ml 12% Palazzo Pisano - Pinot Grigio Delle Venezie DOC 2017 -意大利 #PPPGDV750

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風格:白酒 - 輕盈清爽(ABV - 12.0%) 葡萄:灰比諾(Pinot Grigio) 地區:意大利,威尼托 Tasting Note: - 酥脆和清爽,帶有淡淡的檸檬和蘋果味,略帶礦物質和微妙的檸檬味。 推薦飲用方法: - 請冷藏後溫度(8-10°C) - 可以單獨飲用,也可以與白肉,魚或新鮮奶酪一起服用。 食物搭配: 西餐: - 海鮮拼盤(牡蠣,蛤,海蝦/龍蝦,扇貝,螃蟹,煙熏三文魚等,配以鬆脆的胡蘿蔔和芹菜桿以及新鮮的小胡蘿蔔) - 新鮮的mozzeralla,羅勒和番茄 - 烤三文魚或鱈魚配土豆泥和蜂蜜烤的小胡蘿蔔 亞洲食品: - 新鮮的金槍魚,鮭魚或扇貝生魚片 - 清蒸石斑 - 海南雞飯 - 泰式青咖哩雞肉或魚 Style: White - light and refreshing (12.0% alcohol) Grape: Pinot Grigio Region: Veneto, Italy Notes: - Pale yellow with a green tinge. Crisp and refreshing, with faint lemon and apple character, slightly minerally and subtle hints of lemon zest. - - Prominent acidity gives a mouthwatering quality. Serving guide: - Serve chilled at 8-10°C. - Enjoy on its own, as an aperitif or with white meat, fish or fresh cheeses. Food pairing suggestions: Western: - Cold seafood platter (oysters, shrimp, clams, langoustines/lobsters, scallops, crab, smoked salmon, etc, paired with crunchy carrot and celery sticks, and fresh baby carrots) - Fresh mozzeralla, basil and tomato - Baked salmon or cod with mashed potato and honey roasted baby carrots Asian: - Fresh tuna, salmon or scallop sashimi - 清蒸石斑 - Hainan chicken rice 海南雞飯 - Green Thai chicken or fish curry

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