風笛蘇格蘭調和威士忌 40% 1000ml Pipe Major Blended Scotch Whisky



Pipe Major 混合蘇格蘭威士忌的名字來源於英國陸軍的一名士官。 管樂少校指揮團的管樂和鼓。 他被稱為 Pipe Major,而不是他的軍銜。 自然地,這種精選的蘇格蘭威士忌是擁有這一享有盛譽的稱號的威士忌。 Pipe major 混合蘇格蘭威士忌是一種威士忌,過去幾年在全球範圍內迅速流行起來,成為威士忌鑑賞家和年輕初學者的首選飲品。 Pipe Major Blended Scotch Whisky takes its name from the non-commissioned officer in the British Army. The pipe major commands the regimental pipes and drums. He is addressed as Pipe Major and not by his military rank. Naturally this Scotch Whisky of choice is one that carries this prestigious title. A whisky to command and inspire, Pipe major blended scotch has been rapidly growing in popularity globally in the last few years as the choice of drink for whisky connoisseurs to young first timers as well. 香味 大麥麥芽、夏季水果、 白胡椒和葡萄乾的味道 NOSE Malted barley, summer fruits, white pepper and hints of raisins 品嚐 輕盈柔滑的大麥糖, 柔軟的太妃糖和少許白胡椒香料 TASTE Light and smooth, barley sugar candy, soft toffee and a touch of white pepper spice 口感 中乾型餘味,青蘋果味悠長,帶有橡木和杏仁的味道 FINISH Dry-medium finish,lingering green apples with hints of oak and almond
