麥皇紅貼蘇格蘭威士忌 1000ml 40% Mcivor Red Label Blended Scotch Whisky 1000ml 40%



品酒筆記 : McIvor紅貼調和式威士忌是5年陳釀,口感可以與任何陳釀的蘇格蘭威士忌中對比。 這款威士忌的陳釀是在曾經用於朗姆酒陳釀的木桶中完成的,因此, 賦予McIvor的獨特味道 香味 : 味道甜而帶點辣,有如剛切下的乾草,麥芽大麥和濃郁的柑橘香氣散發出烤杏仁,太妃糖和葡萄乾的香氣。 口感 : 入口細膩,極為光滑的混合酒,最初帶有乾果味,巧克力橙味和帶果醬的麥芽甜麵包的感覺。 回味 : 入口中感覺長而甜美,帶有巧克力的乾果,帶有淡淡的大自然香氣。 ⻝物搭配: ⽜扒, 特濃朱古⼒, 巴⾺⽕腿, 芝⼠ MCIVOR歷史傳說講述了1494年在蘇格蘭修道院中蒸餾蘇格蘭威士忌的最初過程。大約500年後,威士忌製造商仍在實踐使混合威士忌的香氣和香氣達到平衡的藝術。 McIvor的混合威士忌在以前用來陳釀朗姆酒的酒桶中陳釀了五,十二和十七年,使威士忌具有獨特的風味。 鑑賞家們對烤堅果和太妃糖的香氣贊不絕口,之後是帶有焦糖,香料,和白胡椒味,幹的中等酒體味。McIvor的表面上帶有一些稀薄的礦物質和汽油香氣,並帶有淡淡的焦糖和希瑟幹花。 並不奇怪 ,這種混合口味贏得了McIvor多個獎項,包括2007年舊金山世界烈酒大賽的金牌得主,飲料品嚐學會的“強烈推薦”和“最好買”以及國際葡萄酒業和烈酒比賽的銀牌。 發現這種迷人的蘇格蘭威士忌。 Tasting Notes: McIvor Red Label Blended Whiskey is 5 years old and its taste can be compared with any aged Scotch whiskey. The aging of this whiskey is done in casks once used to age rum, thus giving McIvor its unique flavour. Aroma: Sweet and spicy, like freshly cut hay, malted barley and rich citrus aromas reveal notes of toasted almonds, toffee and raisins. Palate: A delicate, extremely smooth blend with initial notes of dried fruit, chocolate orange and jammy malt sweetbread. Aftertaste: Long and sweet in the mouth, with chocolatey dried fruits and a hint of nature. Food pairing: Steak, rich chocolate, pork leg, cheese MCIVOR historical legend tells the story of the original process of distilling Scotch whiskey in a Scottish monastery in 1494. Some 500 years later, whiskey makers are still practicing the art of balancing the aromas and aromas of blended whiskeys. McIvor's blended whiskeys are aged for five, 12 and 17 years in barrels previously used to age rum, giving the whiskey its unique flavor. Connoisseurs rave about aromas of roasted nuts and toffee, followed by a dry, medium-bodied finish with caramel, spice, and white pepper. The McIvor has some thin mineral and petrol notes on the surface, with hints of caramel and dried heather flowers. Not surprisingly, this blend has won McIvor multiple awards, including Gold Medal at the 2007 San Francisco World Spirits Competition, "Highly Recommended" and "Best Buy" from the Beverage Tasting Institute, and a "Best Buy" from the International Wine Industry and Spirits Competition. silver medal. Discover this fascinating Scotch whisky.
