明石鯛 特別本醸造原酒 19% 720ml Akashi-Tai - Tokubetsu Honjozo Genshu 19% 720ml

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~ 麴米品種 (米麴及酒醪):100% 兵庫縣生產 五百萬石 ~ 精米步合:60% ~ 酒精度:19% ~ 推薦飲用方法:常溫,冷藏, 或坐熱後飲用 ~ Tasting Note:明顯的粉紅葡萄柚,蜂蠟和白色花香氣。口感呈乳脂狀且豐富,熱帶水果口味與含蓄的魚味(Umami)微妙地平衡,收尾乾淨和余韻悠長。 ~ 食物搭配:起司拼盤,蘑菇或肉類餡餅,蔬菜 和海鮮天婦羅,扒類。 🍶🍚 100% Hyogo produced Gohyakumangoku ~ Rice Polishing Ratio: 60% ~ ABV: 19% ~ Recommend Drinking Method: Room Temp, Iced or Hot (Rest in 45° water) ~ Tasting note: Pink grapefruit, beeswax and white floral undertones on the nose. A creamy, rich palate with tropical fruit flavours balanced by a subtle umami note. A clean and long finish. ~ Food pairing: Cheese plates, mushroom or meat pie. Vegetable and seafood tempura or grilled meat.
