女兒紅十二年陳紹興花雕酒牡丹花黑瓷瓶 14% 500ml



主要成份: 鑒湖水、糯米、小麥、色素 (焦糖) 類型 : 半乾型黄酒 酒精度 : >=14% 適宜純飲 , 配海鮮/大閘蟹飲用 女兒紅是浙江省紹興市的地方傳統名酒,屬於發酵酒中的黃酒,用糯米發酵而成,含有大量人體所需的氨基酸,江南的冬天空氣潮濕寒冷人們常飲用此酒來禦寒。 汲取門前鑑湖水,釀得紹酒萬里香,創立晉代女兒紅品牌的故事千年流傳。早在西元304年,晉代上虞人稽核所著的《南方草木狀》中就有女酒、女兒紅酒為舊時富家生女嫁女必備之物的記載。 Nerhong is a famous local traditional wine in Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province. It is a yellow wine among fermented wines. It is made from fermented glutinous rice and contains a large amount of amino acids needed by the human body. In the winter in the south of the Yangtze River, the air is humid and cold. People often drink this wine to keep out the cold. The story of drawing water from Menqianjian Lake to brew Shaoxing wine with thousands of miles of fragrance and establishing the Nuerhong brand in the Jin Dynasty has been passed down for thousands of years. As early as 304 AD, the "Southern Grass and Trees" written by the Shangyu people in the Jin Dynasty recorded that female wine and female red wine were necessary items for the marriage of daughters in wealthy families in the old days.
